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Examiner: Burlesque Profile Interview
An article written by The Lady Aye for the Huffington Post
The Lady Aye answers 25 of the Best
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Examiner: Burlesque Profile Interview
An article written by The Lady Aye for the Huffington Post

Who was the last person you told “I love you”?
Lady Aye: Probably my mom..
What will you find in your refrigerator if you looked right now?
Lady Aye: Herb-yogurt marinated chicken breasts, some beets and lots of cheese..
What was the last expletive that you used?
When was the last time you cried?
Lady Aye: About two weeks ago when writing something about my estranged brother.
What is the worst tasting thing you have ever eaten?
Lady Aye: Calf's liver.
In the film of your life, who plays you and what is the title?
Lady Aye: Barbara Stanwyck in Pain-Proof: Becoming the Lady Aye.
What is the last furry thing that you touched?
Lady Aye: Sentient - probably my friend's cat, Katamari (omgkitty.com); object - my two-headed calf stuffed animal.
When was the last time you had a hangover?
Lady Aye: I'm a little pokey today thanks to beer and sazeracs.
Do you remember the last time you saw a random act of kindness?
Lady Aye: A friend pointed out yesterday where she had written her daughter's name in cement. She takes her little girl there to see it once in a while.
If your iPod could only hold 3 songs, what would they be?
Lady Aye: Currently I'm all about Northside Gal by JD McPherson, Bikini Girls with Machine Guns by the Cramps and Little Sister by Elvis Presley.
What are you currently reading?
Lady Aye: YouCan't Go Home Again by Thomas Wolfe!
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Lady Aye: I hope not, but probably.
If personalities had an odor, what would you smell like?
Lady Aye: Good coffee, clean sheets, top notes of sarcasm.
You are running in a race and overtake the second-place runner. What position are you now in?
Lady Aye: I'm in first? No one said there'd be math! I'd probably fall in a pothole shortly anyway, I'm not much of a runner.
Describe your happy place?
Lady Aye: In bed with a good book or that moment when the lights go down and the movies about to start.
What is the longest period that you have ever gone without taking a bath?
Lady Aye: I don't really take baths at all, so a fairly long while. I shower daily.
What is your theme song?
Lady Aye: GotTo Be Real by Cheryl Lynn.
Have you ever been spanked or spanked someone as an adult?
Lady Aye: Yup.
What do you do when you feel sad or depressed?
Lady Aye: I sleep a lot. I also take long, aimless walks.
If you were being attacked by the tickle monster, who would you want it to be?
Lady Aye: Someone I could easily subdue.
Do you believe in ghosts? Why?
Lady Aye: Not as such.
Describe the perfect kiss using no more than 5 words?
Lady Aye: hello there!
What is your greatest fear?
Lady Aye: Being horribly mutilated.
What is the best dish you can cook?
Lady Aye: Not saying my leg of lamb could change world history, but I'm not saying it can't.
Do you truly feel loved?
Lady Aye: Sometimes.
Thank you, The Lady Aye!
Lady Aye: A friend pointed out yesterday where she had written her daughter's name in cement. She takes her little girl there to see it once in a while.
Lady Aye: YouCan't Go Home Again by Thomas Wolfe!
Lady Aye: I hope not, but probably.
Lady Aye: Good coffee, clean sheets, top notes of sarcasm.
Lady Aye: I'm in first? No one said there'd be math! I'd probably fall in a pothole shortly anyway, I'm not much of a runner.
Lady Aye: In bed with a good book or that moment when the lights go down and the movies about to start.
Lady Aye: I don't really take baths at all, so a fairly long while. I shower daily.
Lady Aye: GotTo Be Real by Cheryl Lynn.
Lady Aye: Yup.
Lady Aye: I sleep a lot. I also take long, aimless walks.
Lady Aye: Someone I could easily subdue.
Lady Aye: Not as such.
Lady Aye: hello there!
Lady Aye: Being horribly mutilated.
Lady Aye: Not saying my leg of lamb could change world history, but I'm not saying it can't.
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